The Importance of Changing Your Pillow Regularly

The Importance of Changing Your Pillow Regularly

Posted by Finny F on 17th Oct 2023

If you’re not getting that much needed rest, your pillow might be to blame. That's right, your trusty pillow that has been with you for years could actually be hindering the quality of your rest. Many people don't realize the importance of changing their pillows regularly and continue using them long past their expiration date.

We'll discuss why it's vital to change your pillow regularly and how it can lead to better sleep and overall health. Don't sleep on this crucial information – keep reading!

The Importance of Changing Your Pillow Regularly

Did you know that your pillow could be the most neglected item in your household? Most people tend to overlook the importance of changing their pillows regularly. But did you also know that sleeping on an old and dirty pillow can lead to various health issues?

Over time, your pillow collects sweat, oils, dead skin cells, dust mites and other allergens which can cause respiratory problems and aggravate allergies. Moreover, a flattened or lumpy pillow can cause neck pain and discomfort leading to poor sleep quality.

To avoid these issues, change your pillow every 1-2 years or even sooner if it shows signs of depreciation. A high-quality pillow not only provides comfort but also supports proper spinal alignment improving overall posture.

So take care of yourself by investing in new pillows regularly. Your body will thank you for providing a clean and comfortable place for restful sleep every night!

How Often Should You Change Your Pillow?

One critical factor that affects the quality of our sleep is our pillow. Although many don't realize it, pillows can accumulate dust, sweat, and skin cells. This build-up provides an ideal environment for bacteria and allergens to thrive.

So how often should you change your pillow? The answer depends on the pillow you use and your sleeping habits. However, experts recommend changing your pillow every 1-2 years.

If you suffer from allergies, asthma or have sensitive skin, consider changing your pillow more frequently – once every six months to a year. Similarly, if you tend to sweat heavily at night or drool while sleeping (yes! it's normal), then you may want to switch out your pillows more frequently as well.

Not only will regularly changing your pillows improve the quality of sleep but also help alleviate neck pain caused by worn-out pillows. Now that we know how often to change pillows let's look at what is best suited for us.

What Type of Pillow Should You Use?

Choosing the right pillow is necessary for a good night's rest and waking up invigorated. The type of pillow you use affects your comfort, support, and overall sleep quality.

Sleeping Position

Consider your sleeping position when choosing a pillow. If you are a side sleeper, opt for a firmer pillow to keep your spine aligned properly. For stomach sleepers, choose a softer and flatter pillow to prevent neck strain. Back sleepers may benefit from using thinner pillows that provide adequate support without pushing their head too far forward.


Another factor is material. Memory foam pillows conform well to the shape of your head and neck while providing great support throughout the night. Down alternative pillows offer softness with hypoallergenic properties suitable for those with allergies.


Think about any specific needs you may have such as cooling or anti-snore features in your pillow selection process.

Finding the perfect pillow takes some trial-and-error but investing time into researching and understanding what works best for you will lead to better quality rest which leads to being more productive during daytime routines!

How to Choose the Best Pillow for You

Choosing the right pillow is fundamental for a good night's rest. With many types of pillows, it can be impossible to discern where to begin. Here are tips to help you choose:

1. Consider your sleeping position: If you sleep on your back, you'll need a flatter pillow than if you're a side or stomach sleeper.

2. Think about any health conditions: If you suffer from allergies or asthma, look for hypoallergenic pillows made with materials like memory foam or latex.

3. Take into account your personal preferences: Do you prefer firmer support? Or do you like a soft and fluffy feel?

4. Test out different options: Don't be afraid to try out different pillows before making a purchase.

5. Look for quality materials: High-quality materials will ensure that your pillow lasts longer and provides better support.

By considering these factors, you can find one that helps improve the quality of your sleep each night.

How to properly clean your pillow

Cleaning your pillow is an important task that can help eliminate allergens and bacteria, ensuring a better night's sleep. Maintaining your pillow will depend on the type you have, but here are general tips.Check the Care Label

Be sure to always check the care label on your pillow for specific cleaning instructions. If it is machine-washable, use a gentle cycle with mild detergent and avoid using fabric softeners or bleach as they can damage the filling of the pillow.Spot Cleaning

For pillows that are not machine-washable, spot clean any stains with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Allow the area to dry completely before using again.Direct Sunlight

To freshen up your pillow between washes, simply place it in direct sunlight for a few hours which helps kill any bacteria or odors. Alternatively, you can put it in the dryer on low heat with some dryer balls or tennis balls to fluff it up.

Changing your pillow regularly is an important aspect of maintaining good sleep hygiene and overall health. It helps prevent allergies and irritation caused by dust mites and bacteria, and improve the quality of your sleep. Selecting the perfect pillow can guarantee you are getting the best possible comfort and support during bedtime. Remember to clean your pillows at least twice a year or more frequently if needed.

Don't underestimate the power a good night's rest has on all aspects of our lives! So start paying attention to how long you've had your current pillow and make sure to replace it when necessary. Your body will thank you for it in the morning!

Planning to finally change your pillow? Browse our different types and highly customizable pillows here at Icon Sleep!