Sweet Dreams: Your Sleep Guide During Lockdown

Sweet Dreams: Your Sleep Guide During Lockdown

Posted by Ivan Dela Cruz on 17th Sep 2020

Overcome the challenges to a good sleep during the pandemic

Millions of people are suffering from insomnia even before the novel coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, Covid-19 introduced a new array of challenges even for people who previously had no sleeping problems.

While the pandemic doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, health organizations around the world warned of the anxiety it can cause in the long-term. The socioeconomic consequences of the coronavirus have spread far and wide, and it poses significant barriers to a good night’s sleep.

Why is sleep important, especially during these times?

Sleep is vital to our health, as it is one of the most vital biological processes. With or without the coronavirus, sleep has always been crucial in fighting against diseases and in naturally repairing our body’s aging cells.

  • Sleep empowers the immune system.
  • Sleep boosts brain function.
  • Sleep enhances mood.
  • Sleep improves mental health.

Experts agree that getting quality and consistent sleep improves all aspects of health, which is why we need it now more than ever.

We’ve come up with a simple guideline to sleeping well during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keep it easy with the naps

Most communities around the world are currently under lockdown as an attempt to arrest the spread of the coronavirus. This means a majority of the world’s population are locked inside their homes all day. Without anything much to do, people are tempted to take more naps.

While a short power nap early in the afternoon can be useful to some people, it’s best to keep it easy with long naps or naps later in the day. Reason: they can disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm, hindering nighttime sleep.

Be active

It’s necessary to maintain a regular physical activity, despite everything that’s happening in the world right now. Staying active has numerous important benefits, especially for our sleep.

If you have a spacious backyard (or a clutter-free room), you can go for stationary running or jumping jacks. If you live in an apartment, there’s a wealth of resources online for all types and levels of exercise. Gym instructors and yoga teachers are live-streaming free-classes during this period. As long as you can keep a safe distance from other people, exercising is still a daily must-do.

Stay in touch with family and friends

This might give a little cringe, but staying in touch with your far-away family and friends can help reduce stress and its harmful effects on your sleep.

Rather than drowning yourself with ominous news about Covid-19, try to find some positive stories, such as how people are supporting one another through the pandemic. Use technology to be in touch with friends and family so that you can maintain healthy social connections despite the need for social distancing.

Try to manage your anxiety by doing mental exercises, surrounding yourself with positive people, or consulting your psychologist for needed prescriptions. You can do all of these through the use of technology.

Ultimately, one simple way to overcome the challenge of having a good sleep during the pandemic is by investing a good mattress. There are specific mattresses built for each type of sleeper. It’s important to know what type of mattress suits your sleeping habits.

To know more about mattresses, check out our collections here.