How to Sleep Better While In Transit
Posted by Floralyn Teodoro on 26th Nov 2020
You can get the most out of your trips when your body doesn’t lack healthy sleep. So, before you jet off to somewhere, carry below tips with you so you can still sleep better while in transit:
Pick a quieter seat.
Whether you’re riding a private vehicle or public transport, scoot for a place or seat where it’s quiet and favorable for sleep. Make sure to choose a spot where you’ll less likely be woken up by noise from other passengers.
Avoid picking a seat next to hotspots or areas with heavy foot traffic such as the entrance, exit, and the restroom. Seating near these areas can bombard you with noise and smells, and make it hard for you to get some sleep.
If possible and available, ask to be seated next to the window. Aside from giving you a place to rest your head, you won’t also be inconvenienced and interrupted in case your seatmates need to get off or use the restroom.
Bring sleep accessories.
When you travel, bring along sleep accessories and essentials in your luggage as well. If possible, place them in your carry-on luggage so you can easily access them when the need arises. Always keep an eye mask, travel pillow, ear plugs, and blanket. By doing so, you can sleep comfortably no matter where you may be.
Use white noise apps.
There are certain colors of noise that will make you fall asleep. One of which is white noise. White noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies making it relaxing to listen to. It is a special type of sound signal that masks or drowns out other background sounds that may prevent you from sleeping.
White noise sounds include nature sounds like the rain, sea, waves, jungle, crickets, etc. It also includes machinery noises like the sound of the air conditioner and the fan. It can also be ambient soundscapes like coffee shop noise, crackling campfire, etc. Aside from blocking annoying noises, white noise reduces stress too.
Dress appropriately.
When you’re planning to sleep while in transit, make sure to dress accordingly. Dress comfortably in clothes such as sweatpants or leggings, hoodie, comfortable shirt, and comfortable footwear. Avoid wearing uncomfortable materials that may hinder you from getting some shut-eye. Doing so will benefit your safety as well.
Restrict gadget use.
Although it may be enticing to take advantage and binge watch free movies while in transit, especially inside the plane, it’s recommended to restrict gadget use if you want to get some sleep. Limit your screen time and power off your monitor once in a while to prevent yourself from being too much exposed to blue light.
Restricting gadget use also includes the use of television, computer or laptop, and smartphone. To sleep better, stop using your gadgets an hour or an hour and a half before going to sleep. You can limit your gadget use to the use of white noise machines or a music player instead. But, the music shouldn’t be too stimulating.
Block out the sunlight.
Sunlight during the day and high-beam lights from vehicles at night can hinder you from sleeping while in transit. The simplest way to block out the light and sleep easier is to wear an eye mask. If you forget to bring one, you can also make use of an extra layer of clothing like a blanket, jacket, or scarf to cover your eyes instead.
Always stay hydrated.
It’s a must to stay hydrated while in transit, especially when traveling at high altitudes. However, before you grab just any drink offered to you, take note that there are beverages you should and shouldn’t drink if you want to sleep.
While on the plane, skip alcoholic drinks. One drink in high altitude equates to two on the ground because of the amount of air and pressure in the plane. So, skip the booze–and caffeinated drinks too–and opt for plain water instead.
We suggest you bring a refillable bottle you can fill once you get to your gate. Another way to stay hydrated, especially on long-haul trips and flights, is by packing and munching on hydrating snacks like fruits, veggies, or yogurt.
Make sleep possible wherever you may be. Follow the above tips to sleep better while in transit!