Poor Sleeping Habits to Avoid Starting Today

Poor Sleeping Habits to Avoid Starting Today

Posted by Sherijan Ivan Dela Cruz on 19th Aug 2022

You might be doing these, and not realize it.

Most people are unaware of the effects of their pre-bedtime activities and how they can affect the quality of their rest. Some probably got good intentions when it comes to their sleeping habits, like a short workout session or reading an article using their gadgets. However, the things we do daily, no matter how acceptable it may seem, could be doing more harm to our sleep than good. In fact, you might be doing some of these habits and not realize it at all.

1. Exercise before Bedtime Exercising gives you a rush of endorphins—chemicals produced by the body that resembles the effect of opioids, or pain and stress relievers while inducing a feeling of euphoria. Physical activities also increase adrenaline and cortisol levels in your bloodstream. The effects of these chemicals are stimulating and can last for hours after you exercise. A session at the gym is never bad; just plan them on the earlier hours of the day.

2. Using Gadgets in Bed We like to wind down at night by watching television, but that’s so last decade. Today, people use their smartphones almost everywhere—to check their social media, play games, or read articles online. The truth is that the light produced by these screens are harmful to your sleep, as they will likely serve to keep you awake. "Try to avoid screen time within an hour or two of bedtime." (“8 Habits That Ruin Your Sleep - Rayanworld”) Shut off these devices when they’re in your sleeping space.

3. Late-night eating It’s a big no-no: eating dinner or any heavy meal before bed will ruin your convenience of easily falling asleep. The culprit will be most likely your digestive tract doing some overtime, and you’re prone to heartburn if you lie down immediately after eating.

4. Having Sugar, Caffeine, or Alcohol Who doesn’t want a late-night cup of Joe or a wee-hours cocktail shot? But these treats come with a cost: your sleep quality. (“7 daily habits that are ruining your sleep - TheLadders.com”) Consuming any of these leads to spikes (or crashes) in blood sugar, which causes wakefulness during the night as the body produces cortisol to deal with all the sugar going around.

5. Working Right Up Until Bedtime It’s okay to work hard—but you might have to put those workaholic tendencies to rest before bedtime. If you work yourself right up until you hit the hay, chances are you’ll have a hard time winding down and relaxing your brain before sleep can overtake it.

6. Waking Up at Different Times Every Day Sleeping in on weekends could be ruining your sleep, research shows. The problem with sleeping in on the weekends is that it sets up trouble for falling asleep on Sunday night. You’re more like to be sleep-deprived on Monday morning, and it goes on like that for the rest of the week. Try keeping a consistent sleep schedule regardless of whether you’re socializing on the weekends or not.

7. Getting Anxious About Everything Too much anxiety is perhaps the leading cause of sleep deprivation around the world. Your brain enters a state of wakefulness, called insomnia, because of excessive stress and worrying. Try to manage your anxiety by doing mental exercises, surrounding yourself with positive people, or consulting your psychologist for needed prescriptions.

A simple way to improve your sleep environment is by investing a good mattress. A bright and noisy room with an uncomfortable bed can all affect your ability to get a good night’s rest. Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet and that your bed has a supportive mattress. Check out our [top mattress picks] that are perfect for anyone