The Definitive Guide to Mattress Cleaning for a Fresher, Healthier Bedroom

The Definitive Guide to Mattress Cleaning for a Fresher, Healthier Bedroom

Posted by Admin on 8th Feb 2023

The Definitive Guide to Mattress Cleaning for a Fresher, Healthier Bedroom

While many of us don't give it much thought, cleaning your mattress should be done frequently. Since your mattress is where you rest your head at night, if it's dirty, you probably are either. Unknowingly, we could be exposed to allergens like dust mites while we sleep.

Cleaning your mattress involves more than simply removing visible dirt, it also involves eliminating bacteria and germs that could make your bedroom an unhealthful place to sleep. To assist you, we have put together this comprehensive guide to mattress cleaning for a cleaner, healthier bedroom. To find out how to give your bed the thorough cleaning it needs, keep reading!

Reasons to clean your mattress

You spend a third of your life on your mattress, making it one of the most significant pieces of furniture in your house. Therefore, it makes sense that mattresses might become quite dirty quite rapidly. Your mattress may gradually become contaminated with dust mites, skin cells, perspiration, and other allergens, which can cause allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. Not to mention, how disgusting it is to sleep on a dirty mattress.

Regular mattress cleaning is crucial for a clean, healthy bedroom. Here are four justifications for cleaning your mattress:

1. Get rid of allergens and dust mites.

Mattresses are a favorite home for dust mites, which are small animals that flourish in the dust. Get rid of these tiny creatures if you wish to breathe comfortably at night because they are one of the main causes of asthma and allergies. Your mattress's dust mite population can be reduced with regular vacuuming and spot cleaning.

2. Avoiding mildew and mold

Warm, damp surroundings are perfect for mold and mildew growth, just like sweaty people laying in bed all night. Mold and mildew can quickly take over your mattress and lead to major health issues if they are not cleansed thoroughly. Keep your bedroom well-ventilated and clean up spills or stains right away to stop the spread of mold and mildew.

3. Remove bodily fluids and stains.

Cleaning your mattress will eliminate bodily fluids and stains that could harm the cloth. Your bed will have a longer lifespan and be more comfortable to sleep in as a result.

How Often Should You Clean a Mattress?

For a variety of reasons, it's crucial to keep your mattress fresh and spotless. It won't just make you sleep better, it will also make your mattress last longer. For advice on how frequently to clean your mattress, see below:

Every three to six months, remove the bedding and use your vacuum's upholstery attachment to clean the mattress surface. Make sure to vacuum both sides of a pillowtop mattress if you have one.

Use a moist cloth and a mild detergent to spot-clean any stains. Blotting the stain is preferable to scrubbing it out because the latter can harm the cloth.

Use an upholstery cleaner or steam cleaner to thoroughly clean your mattress once or twice a year. Another option is to have a reputable cleaning service handle this for you.

The Best Mattress Cleaning Method

The best way to clean your mattress is actually quite easy, provided that it has a removable cover. Simply take off the cover and wash it with laundry detergent in hot water. You can also use a sponge or cloth moistened with soapy water to spot-clean any spots. Put the cover back on after cleaning it, then fluff your mattress.

You can still clean your mattress without a removable cover as well, but it will take a little more work. To start, thoroughly vacuum the mattress to get rid of any dust and debris. After that, use a sponge or towel moistened with soapy water to spot-clean any stains. The mattress can be left in its current condition once all stains have been removed, or you can sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface and vacuum it up after 15 minutes to help the fabric smell fresh.

Advice for a Healthier, Fresher Bedroom

Your mattress is one of the most crucial pieces of furniture to clean in your bedroom. It makes a big difference in how well you sleep and may be bad for your health. For instance, dust mites are small animals that live in filthy conditions and are believed to be the root of asthma and other respiratory issues.

Here are some cleaning suggestions to keep your mattress clean, hygienic, and fresh:

  1. Regularly vacuum your home to help get rid of dust, dirt, and other debris that can collect on your mattress. To avoid destroying the fabric, utilize the upholstery attachment on your vacuum.
  2. Clean up spills and stains right away. As soon as something spills on your mattress, dab it up with a fresh towel. Use a mild soap and water solution for stubborn stains.
  3. Use a mattress protector to help create a barrier between you and any allergens or dust mites that may be hiding in your bed. People with allergies or asthma should take it, in particular.
  4. Flip your mattress every few months to help distribute wear and tear equally and prevent your mattress from sagging in one area. It also lets places that might have gotten wet from spills or perspiration dry out properly.


For a good and peaceful night's sleep, a clean mattress is necessary. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you now know how to keep your mattress fresh and odor-free. When it's time to update your bedroom, use this guide as your go-to resource. It tells you everything from how to clean your mattress to the best things to use. Your beds will always be hygienic and comfy if you make an investment in high-quality cleaning equipment and take the time to deep clean them once a year.

Icon-Sleep Mattresses are mattresses that are designed and built to provide exceptional comfort at a low cost.